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Our flood simulator supports evacuation planning and education for disaster-prevention. Our unique algorithm enables to simulate flood disaster quickly on your PC. User interface integrated on our original three-dimensional mapping system enables intuitive operation and visualization.

Intuitive GIS engine "DioVISTA "

Our original four-dimensional (latitude, longitude, elevation and time) Geographic Information System easily visualize realistic flooded city.

The entire earth viewpoin
The entire earth viewpoint*

Elevation data viewpoint
Elevation data viewpoint**

CAD model viewpoint
CAD model viewpoint

3-dimensional inundation viewpoint
3-dimensional inundation viewpoint

* Built-in support for NASA satellite photos
** Geospatial Information Authority of Japan 50 m DEM

Rapid simulation by high-speed computing algorithm

Beginning of simulation
Beginning of simulation

5 min later
5 min later

15 min later
15 min later

* Calculation time is subject to PC spec.

Our unique calculation method (Dynamic Domain Defining Method, or DynamicDDM) makes flood simulation faster, and enables real time flood forecasting.


Flood simulation using global DEM (NASA SRTM3)

A comparison of flooded depth based on our built-in global topography data (NASA's SRTM3 ) with local one (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan's 50 m DEM) suggest the global data has adequate accuracy.
Condition: a flood caused by a levee breach in Tone River (largest river in Japan).

Geospatial Information Authority of Japan's 50 m DEM
Resolution : Horizontal 50 m
Vertical 1 m

Resolution : Horizontal 90 m
Vertical 1 m


Time contour

Time contour

Education content

Education content

Risk assessment


Risk of walking in the flooded water for evacuation is assessed based on inundation depth and velocity.

User can output a simulated result as Hazard map or video (AVI), which are suitable contents to distribute through the internet.

Operating environment

PC Specifications
Item Minimum configuration Recommended configuration
CPU Intel® Core™ i5 Intel® Core™ i7 (Quad-core)
Memory 2 GB 16 GB
Graphics Accelerator 3D graphics accelerator
(memory 1024 × 768 × 32 bit)
NVIDIA®GeForce®GTX500, 600 or 700 series or equivalent product.
HDD 100 GB space 2 TB
Screen Resolution 1,02 4× 768 dot 16,770,000 color
(24-bit True Color)
1,920 × 1, 080 dots 16,770,000 color
(24-bit True Color)
OS Windows® 7 (Japan language version) Windows® 8.1 (Japan version) or, Windows® 10 (Japan version) 64-bit Edition Windows® 10 (Japan version) 64-bit Edition
USB Terminal Port (1 port) for license authentication USB key (USB protected chip) connection.
Port (1 port) for portable HDD (storing program) connection. Port (1 port, USB 3.0 recommended) for portable HDD (storing program) connection.
Mouse, etc. Mouse or touchpad Mouse with Wheel

Windows® is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Intel® is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries.
NVIDIA®,GeForce®GTX is a trademark or registered trademark of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries.

This map is based on the Digital Map 2,5000 (Map Image) and Digital Map 50 m Grid (Elevation) and Digital Map 5m Grid (Elevation) published by Geographical Survey Institute, Japan with its approval under the article 30 of The Survey Act. (Approval Number SOU-SHI No.635 2005)

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Video content

(mp4 format, 47.3 MBytes)